
Kentucky Lawyers Sued By Client

A plaintiff in a car accident lawsuit has become a legal malpractice plaintiff.

Sharon Langford has sued a law firm with office in Kentucky and Florida and made some very serious allegations.   Basically, she was alleged to seek health care for her injuries from a specific provider and  that there was a business relationship between the provider and the lawyers.  She also alleges that the provider and the law firm advised her not to submit the bills to her health insurer and that she did not receive documentation of the charges made by the health care provider.

She alleges that the undisclosed relationship between the health care provider and the lawyers resulted in financial and other losses.   Here is a copy of the complaint.

I have no idea whether the allegations of the complaint are true and, quite frankly, I hope they are not.  I believe that there is nothing wrong with a lawyer referring a client to a competent doctor for treatment.  Likewise, there is nothing wrong with a lawyer recognizing a health care provider’s lien on a recovery.  But these allegations of misconduct go far beyond that and, if true, are something that should be condemned by all responsible lawyers. 

Thanks to Shannon at The Kentucky Trial Court Review for informing me about this litigation.

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