
Back from Chattanooga – CORRECTED

Chris Nearn correctly pointed out that my post Saturday had incorrect dates for programs in Memphis and Nashville.   I don’t know how I messed that up.   Thanks Chris.  Here is a corrected post.

Thursday and Friday I was in Chattanooga for the first Justice Programs seminar of the year.  We doubled our attendance over that of 2005 and put together a solid seminar program (if I do say so myself).  The Reed House is a good venue.

Unfortunately, something has happened with my wireless card in my notebook computer and I was unable to post  yesterday. 

This week we offer the program in Knoxville at the Marriott and, once again, and fortunate to have our pre-registrations almost double that of last year.  We are in Nashville on November 30 and December  1  at the Nashville School of Law  and Memphis on December 7 and 8 at the Cook Convention Center.

If your practice is primarily civil litigation you may want to consider this program.  This one seminar will give you all of your CLE requirements for the year but, more importantly, will give you information  that you can you use to serve your clients.

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