
My Absence

You tort and negligence law junkies may have been wondering where I have been the past few days.

Well, I went to Knoxville on Tuesday for a committee meeting to work on the Tennessee Pattern Jury Instructions. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I was at the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association Annual Convention, and last night I went to the Annual Dinner of the American College of Trial Lawyers at Cherokee Country Club.
I came back to work today in an effort to catch up on what appears to be a big pile of work.

I had trouble getting access to the Internet to blog. The computer access in my room went down. There were some “public” computers available. Unfortunately, access to them was hogged by people who saw nothing wrong with using them for hours on end to look for clothes, plan their next vacation, etc. I have learned a lesson.

One exciting blog-related event did occur. CNN picked up my post regarding Terri Schiavo and Senator Frist during their Thursday afternoon broadcast. That made for fun conversation around the bar Thursday evening.

Back to work!

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