
Still More Statistics From the 2007-08 Annual Report of the Tennessee Judiciary

I know – this is the third posting about  the 2007-08 Annual Report of the Tennessee Judiciary.  I can’t help myself – I am fascinated by this kind of data.

This falls in the "can you believe this" category?

  1. There were about the same number of  DUI charges filed in circuits court in Tennessee last year as there  were tort damage lawsuits (11,000).   There were more divorces  and more burglary charges filed than tort lawsuits ,
  2. Williamson County did not have a single medical malpractice lawsuit filing during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.
  3. Montgomery County (Clarksville) had only 7 medical malpractice filings and Wilson County (Lebanon) had only 3.    Hamilton County (Chattanooga) had a mere 17 med mal complaints filed and Madison County (Jackson) had but 5 filed.
  4. As mentioned in an earlier post, there were 537 med mal cases filed in the entire state.  There are 6,000,000 people in Tennessee.  Statistically, about 2000 people died from medical malpractice in Tennessee during that period, and many more were injured.
  5. Believe it or not, there were more  kidnapping filings (735) than there were medical malpractice filings (537).

Here is the report.

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