
Info on Car and Truck Wrecks, Injuries, Deaths and More

Do you want to know how many people died in traffic wrecks in Tennessee? In North Dakota? On two-lane roads? On interstates?

If so, see this report from NHTSA and the United States Department of Transportation.

An excerpt:

“In 2004, the Nation’s crash fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles of travel was the lowest (1.46) since record keeping began 30 years ago and remained below 1.50 for the second consecutive year. 2004 was also the second year in a row that fatalities from motor vehicle crashes declined. The number of police-reported motor vehicle crashes occurring on our highways dropped to
under 6.2 million from over 6.3 million in 2003, and persons injured in these crashes continued a steady decline. On average, a police-reported motor vehicle crash occurred every 5 seconds, a person was injured every 11 seconds, and someone was killed every 12 minutes.”.”

Here is some good news: “alcohol-related fatalities declined significantly in 2004, to 16,694, the second consecutive year in which alcohol-related fatalities declined.
Most single vehicle deaths occurred – Surprise! – between Midnight and 3:00 a.m. and 77% were alcohol-related.

In Tennessee there were 1144 fatal crashes in 2004 and 145 occurred on interstate highways.

And on and on. More data than you ever thought was available.

Thanks to SafetyLex for bringing this report to my attention.

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