
Tort Law Tidbit – Injuries to Felons

This is another tort law tidbit.

I do not know why anyone would ever take one of these cases, but Tennessee law gives immunity to those property owners or occupiers who intentionally or accidently cause injury or death to a person who a perpetrating one or more of several enumerated felonies. Immunity is only given to persons who harm the perpetrator while he or she is in the act or while the person is trying to apprehend the perpetrator.

This is the “Don’t Mess with Me or Mine or I’ll Blow Your *ss Away and Be Immune from Suit” Bill.

However, there is no immunity if the landowner or occupier harms a bystander. In Tennessee, we penalize people who are bad shots.

The statute is T.C.A. Sec. 29-34-201.

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