New Tennessee Business Litigation Blog

I am embarrassed to say that six months ago I did not even know what a blog was. Well, maybe I knew what one was – I have some recollection about reading stories about political blogs during the last presidential campaign – but I had never looked at one. I was just busy.

I like to think I stay current in my field, but I must confess that I missed alot by not taking advantage of the knowledge that my (now) fellow bloggers have been sharing via their blogs. I hit several blogs everyday; over the next few weeks I will share my favorites with you.

Our firm hopes to add to this body of knowledge by introducing another blog called the “Tennessee Business Litigation Law Blog.” Brandon Bass of our firm is the chief blogger on this one, but other people in our firm will be adding posts as appropriate. The purpose of this blog is to gather and share information of interest to corporate counsel and executives, small business owners, and the people that represent them about recent developments in commerical litigation and business law. It will concentrate on the law of the Tennessee, but will gather interesting and useful information from around the nation.

Although our firm is best known for its work on behalf of plaintiffs in tort litigation, we have always had an active commerical litigation practice. (We do not defend personal injury or wrongful death cases.) Frankly, I like the mix between the two, although I often find that people who do only commerical litigation have difficulty focusing of what is really important about the problem at hand. I think it is important to be able (and willing) to identify the goal line in every case, and then to proceed toward that goal line in as straight of line as possible, a philosphy no doubt influenced by my 24 years of working on a contingent fee basis.

We hope that those of you who are lawyers will find our new blog to be helpful in your practice. Let us know what you think about it. In fact, while you are at it, let us know what additional types of information you would like us to give you in this blog.

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