
Articles Posted in Damages – Personal Injury


Plaintiff’s Lawyer in Dog Bite Case Claims Injury is Worth $30,000,000

Eric Turkewitz, a plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer in New York,  wrote about it first.  He told us about a plaintiff’s lawyer in New York who sought $30,000,000 for damages to a child who lost part of his ear lobe after a dog bite. Eric was upset because this "courtroom bulldog…


Is There a Limit on Damages Recoverable in Tennessee Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases?

Tennesse law limits damages that may be recovered in personal injury and wrongful death cases.  The limits apply only to cases that arise from events that occur on or after October 1, 2011. Medical expense and lost wages claims are not limited.  However, damages for pain, suffering, disfigurement, disability, loss of enjoyment…


Judgments Arising From Intentional Torts Are Not Dischargeable In Bankruptcy

You cannot try to murder your ex-wife and then avoid a judgment against you for compensatory or punitive damages by filing bankruptcy. The Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit rejected the effort of David Larsen to use the bankruptcy system to avoid his financial obligation to his former wife. …


Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Discusses the Law of Lost Earning Capacity

"Lost earning capacity is not a difficult concept to understand, but our friends in the defense bar sometimes are able to confuse judges and juries about what it means.  The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit confronted in issue recently in a case involving Ohio tort law,…


Damages for Death or Serious Injury of a Homemaker

We all know that the services provided by homemakers have a substantial value, but this article from Vestopedia puts some numbers on it. The author notes that " The life of a homemaker is one that includes an endless amount of demands and to-dos. Depending on the size of the…


California Supreme Court Limits Medical Expense Recovery to Amount Paid By Insurer

The California Supreme Court has ruled that a tortiously injured person who receives medical care for his or her injuries may recover medical expenses only in the amount that the plaintiff’s health insurer paid, not the amount charged by the health care provider but later reduced by a contract between…


Reasonable and Necessary Diagnostic Tests Must Be Awarded By Jury in Personal Injury Case

The Tennessee Court of Appeals has ruled that if it is undisputed that the defendant caused circumstances requiring diagnostic tests to rule out injuries, and the undisputed evidence shows that those tests were reasonable and necessary, a trial court cannot affirm a jury verdict of $0 damages.  The trial court…


Arizona Court Holds That Medical Expense Claims Belong to Child and Parents

The Arizona Supreme Court has reversed prior law and held  that a claim for medical expenses arising out of a personal injury to a child may be asserted by the child or the parents, but not both. The case is Estate of Madison Alexis Desela v. Prescott Unified School District,  No.…


Ohio Permits Evidence of Write-offs Of Medical Bills

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that a defendant in a personal injury action may introduce evidence that plaintiff’s health care provider "wrote off" certain medical charges for care given to the plaintiff. The plaintiff was billed $21,874.80 for care received in the accident.  His health insurer paid $7.483.91 of…

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