
Sen. Frist: Video Diagnosis

An article in the Washington Post demonstrates an amazing ability of Sen. Bill Frist: the skill to make a medical diagnosis from a videotape.

This may surprise some of you who do medical negligence work or address a lot of medical issues in your practice. As lawyers we are all told how difficult it is to make a medical diagnosis. Defense experts will routinely testify that it is unfair to challenge a medical diagnosis without seeing and laying hands on the patient. But Sen. Frist has the ability to look at a videotape and make a diagnosis that contradicts that of the patient’s treating physicians!

The article discusses Sen. Frist’s review of a videotape of Terri Schiavo and his (subsequent?) opinion that she may not be in a persistent vegetative state. That opinion was in no way influenced by the upcoming Presidential election.

A person with this talent needs to be practicing medicine and not wasting his time in the U.S. Senate or sitting in the Oval Office.

Seriously, the action of the Republicans in Congress concerning Terri Schiavo demonstrate the need for each of us to have a health care power of attorney. The easy way out for Michael Schiavo was to divorce his wife; he has demonstrated his love for her by carrying out her wishes.

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