
New Blog on Tennessee Procedure and Evidence

I am pleased to announce that I have started a new blog on Tennessee law of civil procedure and evidence.

Practical Procedure and Evidence  is created to help Tennessee civil trial lawyers stay current on civil, appellate, and evidence issues.   It will include not just new cases and rule changes but will also give lawyers practical tips on how to handle certain evidence and procedure issues in their practice.

For example, from time to time it is necessary to seek additional time to respond to a court-ordered deadline or a deadline imposed by the rules of procedure.   Some deadlines cannot be extended, even by court order, but many can be.

The standard the trial judge will use in evaluating a motion to extend or enlarge time depends on whether the motion is filed before the deadline or after the deadline has already expires.

The 1617-word blog post titled “How Do I File a Motion to Enlarge / Extend Time?” gives a summary of the law on this issue and tips on how to increase the likelihood of persuading a judge to grant your motion for more time to complete a task.

The plan is to add several posts a week.  You can help us help other members of the Tennessee Bar by sending us motions, orders and briefs that address civil procedure, appellate procedure and evidence issues in Tennessee. If we think that what you have shared fits within the scope of this project and will benefit Tennessee lawyers, we will share your work product and give you an appropriate shout-out in the Practical Procedure and Evidence blog.


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