
Articles Posted in Tennessee personal injury lawyer


Doctors in Thailand Voice Common Arguments Against Being Held Accountable for Errors

The government of Thailand wants to have a scheme to compensate victims of medical malpractice. Many Thai doctors are opposed to the law.  Here is an argument made by the physicians, as reported in Taiwan News: It means our staff would have to be extra careful during work, which would…


Trying Medical Malpractice Cases in Nashville

A recent study gives yet another reason of why it is difficult for a plaintiff to win a medical malpractice case in Nashville. MTSU’s Business and Economic Research Center has released a study that states that puts health care industry’s annual economic impact in Nashville at $30 billion. That represents  an…


Oprah Lends Support to Safe Driving Practices

PC Magazine Oprah Winfrey has been urging her viewers to promise not to text or make telephone calls while driving.   Last Friday she dedicated her show to the subject. Some 23 states, including Tennessee, have laws banning texting while driving.  Eight other states have partial bans on texting while driving. …


Wrongful Death Claims in Tennessee

When a person dies as a result of someone else’s negligence, Tennessee law permits only certain people to assert a claim to recover damages for the death. This article does not discuss who receives the damages awarded by settlement or judgment of the case, but only who has the right…


Motorcycle Deaths Decline

The Governors Highway Safety Administration has released a preliminary report indicating the motorcycle deaths have decreased on our nation’s highways.  If the final numbers are substantially similar, deaths will have dropped for the first time in over a decade. Based on preliminary data gathered for the first nine months of…


Is Your Client on Facebook?

Stark & Stark’s Pennsylvania Law Monitor has a nice post about the impact of Facebook on personal injury litigation.   An excerpt: The Internet and social networking sites have changed the face of litigation in this country. However, there are some precautions that you can take to protect yourself, short…


“Tennessee Jury Verdict Reporter” Statistics – Part 4

As I mentioned in three previous posts,  Shannon Ragland of the Tennessee Jury Verdict Reporter has graciously agreed to permit me to share some of the information he has gathered concerning jury trials in Tennessee. This multi-part series will discuss some of the data contained in Shannon’s 359-page 2009 report.  You can…


“Tennessee Jury Verdict Reporter” Statistics – Part 3

As I mentioned in two previous posts,  Shannon Ragland of the Tennessee Jury Verdict Reporter has graciously agreed to permit me to share some of the information he has gathered concerning jury trials in Tennessee. This multi-part series will discuss some of the data contained in Shannon’s 359-page report.  You can buy…


“Tennessee Jury Verdict Reporter” Statistics – Part 1

 Shannon Ragland of the Tennessee Jury Verdict Reporter has graciously agreed to permit me to share some of the information he has gathered concerning jury trials in Tennessee. It is fair to say that Shannon has the most comprehensive collection of jury verdict information in the state.  Indeed, in my mind it…


Patient Rights and Health Care Reform

Will the President sacrifice the rights of patients injured by medical malpractice to get Republicans to sign-off on a health care bill? Steven Olsen explains why the President  should not in this article titled "Why Shouldn’t Obama Throw Injured Patients Under the Bus to Get Heath Reform?  Ask Steven Olsen." Steven…

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